

我们的bwin体育苹果下载iOS人俱乐部成员得到了独家的Q&A session from Renaissance woman, screen industry polymath, 爱丽丝劳,作为第一次会议的一部分 bwin体育苹果下载iOS俱乐部 2022年事件! 

我们很高兴能邀请爱丽丝, who shared some incredible stories from her rich and varied career, 跨越喜剧的世界, 电视, 和bwin体育苹果下载iOS, 还有一些非常实用的东西, 给新兴bwin体育苹果下载iOS人的实际建议. 


爱丽丝编剧并主演了 本·惠特利 导演的观光客”(2012), wrote, directed, starred in the comedy horror feature ‘Prevenge”(2016),这是她在怀孕期间完成的. 她已经写了三季的 “爱丽丝的Wunderland”, a surrealist comedy for BBC Radio 4, is currently in production for her next film, ‘Timestalker’. Alongside her writing and directing projects, Alice has starred in films such as 埃德加·赖特的《bwin体育苹果下载iOS》(2007)儿童电视教育系列可怕的历史”, 查理·布鲁克的 互动剧集”《bwin体育苹果下载iOS》(2018)

The event took place on Zoom, attendees had the opportunity to put their own questions to Alice! Scroll down to read through a selection of some of Alice’s comments and advice from this event. 


喜剧不是我想要进入的行业. Comedy as a niche is a much smaller pool; once you get involved in it, 你可以认识喜剧界的每一个人. I specialised quite early on in my career, which 我认为 is not a bad idea. 真正决定你想要进入哪个小领域. 虽然我没有真正决定,但我只是有点陷入其中!



在那个阶段,喜剧中的女性并不多. 20 years ago, if you went to Edinburgh, there were hardly any female performers. There are many more women trained to be actresses than there are parts for women in film and TV. 但在喜剧中, 这对女性来说是一个开放的领域, 尽管周围没有那么多女人, 这在某种程度上是对它自身的挑战.




I didn’t think of myself as being a writer, so it took a bit of a mental switch. I was being offered this opportunity which I couldn’t turn down. 我发现我真的, 真的很喜欢写作, 其实我早就该这么做了! 我意识到,与其被动地坐着, 作为一名演员, 等着有人雇我, 我可以写我自己的素材.




直到30多岁,我才有了经济保障. 我20多岁的时候是为了经济上的生存而挣扎. I also struggled with confidence; I wasn’t sure if I was good enough. 我还在学习我的手艺. 总有一种冒名顶替综合症的感觉. 弄清楚你真正想做什么是非常困难的. Sometimes you can feel like you’re not succeeding in something because you’re not trying the right path, 这其实是一个很正常的过程, 我认为.



在你20多岁的时候,你应该犯错误. 创造力本身就是一种奖励. 即使没有报酬,我也会继续做我的工作. Get on with making things, learning, don’t focus too much on the success or failure of it. 拥有这种态度的人是成功的人. 这些人才能得到这份工作. People can sense that you’re serious and you have a sense of integrity about what you’re doing.



Showing confidence is not about pretending that you’re brilliant or perfect. 真正的自信是说你不知道. 作为一个年轻人,你怎么会知道所有的事情? 没有人知道一切! Being able to say “I don’t understand that, could you explain it to me?,这其实是一件自信的事情. 这表明你想要学习.





我认为你应该把权力掌握在自己手中. 有了互联网,一切都发生了很大的变化. 你可以买一台非常便宜的相机,自己拍东西. You can make your own film, which you wouldn’t have been able to do 20 years ago. 你可以把你的bwin体育苹果下载iOS放到YouTube上, 这可能会引起轰动, 并被数百万人观看, 这改变了一切. You can prove your material works in a completely different way.



It is a stressful industry; there are ups and downs emotionally. 很难找到一个平衡点. 真的,你必须把它当成一份工作. It’s not enough to say “I started 一个脚本, I’ve got a brilliant first three pages”. No one can critique or use your work unless you’ve finished the whole thing.




你做得越多,你得到的就越好. Keep on making short films, even if there isn’t an audience for them. Every shoot you’re on, script you write, you’re getting better and better. 过去两年我写了很多东西, 我也因此成为了一个更好的作家. 就像练钢琴一样. No matter how much natural talent or skill you might have, you have to keep honing your craft. 我的工作, 我不总是思考, “人们想看到什么, 什么东西会卖出去?”, 但实际上, “接下来我想学什么??”. It’s a good way to push yourself, each time you’re moving your skills up a notch.



Make your mistakes early, Get the first draft, the bad draft, out as soon as you can. 你的第一部bwin体育苹果下载iOS可能很糟糕, 你的第一个剧本可能很糟糕, but you’re not going to get better until you’ve got it out there. 当你坐在那里沉思自己的想法时, someone else has made four short films and written 一个脚本 for a feature. 你不能闲着,你必须去做. You need to have something to show for your work; a short film, 一个脚本, 或者你拍过的一些场景. 最好现在就有更小的想法, 向人们展示, 而不是一个需要花费数年才能完成的大预算想法.



On collaboration, finding your tribe within the industry: 

一个隐藏的资源是你身边的合作者. 你必须找到你要合作的伙伴. 你必须找到那些非常信任你的人, 他们认为你的bwin体育苹果下载iOS值得免费拍摄. 那些能把事情做好的人, 在他们自己的行业条件下, usually have their gang of friends and collaborators around them to support them. They collaborate together, they probably did it for free to begin with. 如果你和某人相处得很好, 或者你有类似的创造力, 你必须抓住他们, because you could still be working with them in 20 years’ time.



你的同事真的很重要. If they have talent, you can collaborate and go up in your career together. 你将超越你各部分的总和. Loads of my collaborators are people who I met at a stage when I wasn’t being paid, 但我们只是一起制作材料. 你需要一个会说, “是的,你可以在我的花园里拍摄”, “如果我们拍一部短片,我妈妈就会给我们做午餐。”. Write 一个脚本 based on a space that you already have access to film in. See what resources you already have around you and build on them.



我经常把剧本给朋友,他们也把剧本给我. 我们互换剧本,互相给笔记. Using that resource, that you don’t have to pay for, in an intelligent way, is vital. You have to be able to accept notes and feedback, that is the job. There is no world where you will hand in 一个脚本 and someone will think it’s perfect. 你不妨早点习惯这些批评, 来自你的朋友, rather than thinking you will never need to respond to notes from producers. Even people who are paying you will give you notes that you don’t like. 你需要学会处理这些问题并做出回应.




现在,我从来不会在没有结构的情况下开始写作. Starting with dialogue or character, it’s like buying the lamps before you’ve built the house. 建造你的房子, 让结构就位, 然后当你完成所有的建筑, you can do the fun stuff like picking the pillows and the wallpaper; the dialogue, 人物的怪癖和细节. I definitely have a process now, where I build the story up brick-by-brick.




I will always passionately fight to get my ideas through, from a female perspective. People think it isn’t realistic because they’re not used to seeing it on screen. Sometimes you are fighting for things that you think aren’t shown on screen, should be. It’s always about improving the work and making sure it’s as good and truthful as it can possibly be. If people think you’re fighting from a place of ego, you’re never going to win. You have to be fighting to make the work better, defend the work.



 图片来源(c) Red Online

Here’s what our attending club members had to say about this fantastic Q&与爱丽丝·洛的一次会面!: 

非常非常感谢你的好建议. This has really resonated - thank you Alice and LFA for a brilliant Q & A!



非常鼓舞人心的. 谢谢你❤



谢谢爱丽丝和LFA! 这是非常有益的和愉快的.



Thank you so much to Alice for joining us for our first bwin体育苹果下载iOS俱乐部 2022年事件!  

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